Monday, September 1, 2014



Wow, what a week it has been. I´m in a new area, with a new companion, with new responsibilities. My new companion is Sister Loner from São Paulo! She´s amazing! She´s on her second transfer, so we´re finishing up her training together. We´re serving in the Sapiranga ward with 2 other sisters. One is from Ecuador and the other is from Argentina. They´re a hoot!

Our apartment is full of a lot of crazy and hilarious moments, that´s for sure!

This week was full of getting to know a new area. The area is pretty big, and it´s full of my favorite, HILLS! Lots and lots of hills! haha Nah, it´s really not that bad. The members here are amazing. They love missionaries! They love to fatten us up that is. They give us cake, and pizza and soda... Wow, it´s a lot of stuff. Let´s just hope that the giant hills make up for the side effects of the food...

I´m doing really great here in Sapiranga. This week starts all the fun. We have our first leader meeting this week in Porto Alegre, then we have interviews with President Wright, and then Sister Martinez (the other Sister Leader) and I are going to do our first divisions with the sisters in Novo Hamburgo. They´re about an hour away from us.
I´m excited to see how this week goes. It´s gonna be interesting!

I hope that you´re all doing well and that you´re happy. Time is flying by here on the mission. I have so little time, and so much left to do!

But anyway, until next week!

Sister Stevens
A photo from last week's baptism!

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